IC Sourcing

Hard-to-find & Obsolete IC


Award-winning expertise
Industry-leading talent
Strategic Support Partner
Production-ready supplier support to streamline your processes

Source 1 IC Solutions is a leading global supply chain partner for technology-driven companies. We provide solutions that increase your bottom line & reduce your risk in electronic components distribution.


Shortage Inventory Expertise

When looking for an independent distributor to help with the procurement of shortage inventory, you should look for several key qualities:

Organization Size

Independent distributors come in many shapes and sizes. The bigger the company, the more traders and experience you will have working to your advantage. Source 1's vast, longstanding network increases the likelihood of find the parts you need in as little time as possible.

Commodity Managers

Generally, commodity managers go hand-in-hand with size. Source 1 commodity managers devote their time to assembling complete market intelligence around one or two specific commodities, and can provide a wealth of in-depth market knowledge about where to find shortage components.

Quality Control

A trustworthy shortage inventory partner is one that provides a stringent component testing and screening process. Source 1 IC Solutions invests heavily in engineering staff and testing equipment in order to ensure the quality and authenticity of every purchase.

Supplier Partnerships

Source 1 IC Solutions has pre-established partnerships with trusted independent distributors, enabling competitive advantage of being able to move quickly and discreetly, to source constrained products before an electronic component shortage situation adversely affects market prices.

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procurement Expertise

IC Component Sourcing

Our global distribution network leverages quick-turn capabilities to address urgent delivery demands, amid challenging market conditions.

Quick-turn supply expertise

Source 1 leverages longstanding relationships to quickly resolve electronic component shortages. With established original equipment manufacturer (OEM) & electronics manufacturing services (EMS) partnerships, we help our customers manage constrained supply situations by sourcing allocated, obsolete, end-of-life electronic components and other hard-to-find parts.

Robust quality inspections

Our certified & highly-experienced industry engineers & inspectors minimize potential risks through robust quality inspections, including: Logistics & Compliance, Vendor Management and Counterfeit Avoidance & Detection. We are also a ISO 9001:2015 organization.

Supply-focused analytics

Source 1's data-analytics capabilities allow us to match your demand against global supply. Leveraging your data, we can pinpoint potential shortage sourcing risks in the supply chain, solve obsolescence situations and manage the full lifecycle of your components.

Smart sourcing assets

Source 1 provides an unparalleled breadth of assets to the sourcing process. With our global reach, diverse product offering and world-class quality inspection process, Source 1 represents the leading choice for a strategic sourcing partner.

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